born 1926 in Höhr-Grenzhausen
1940 - 1943 Teaching and State Technical College
1945 - 1954 Internship, Operations Manager
1954 - 1967 teacher, Institute for Werkpädagogik, Cologne
1967 - 1975 Head of Department / University of Applied Sciences, FHS Cologne
1975 - 1988 Director of the State vocational and technical school for ceramics, Landshut / Bavaria
Diplomas from Westerwaldpreis and Faenza
Awards: 1965 State Prize for Arts and Crafts in NRW
1976 Wiesbaden, 3rd prize, form-color-décor
1976 member of the AIC Geneva 1983
Member of group 83
1987 Federal Cross of Merit on ribbon